Entrepreneur teaches aspiring business owners how to sell

If you want to increase your market share and capitalise on a growing brand, sales and promotion are two components you should use. No one understands this better than Wisdom Makhubu or as he is affectionately known, “Wyzman”. Wyzman is a self-driven entrepreneur with a penchant to help other entrepreneurs excel in business.
He is the founder of Pronto Sales, a company that is steeped in helping aspiring entrepreneurs sell, run promotions, and seal more deals.

According to Wyzman, sales and promotion can spur innovation, and help entrepreneurs to increase their market share. Before Wyzman ventured into business, he earned his stripes in the corporate space by working for companies such as Unilever and Kevro Barron. “I have been an entrepreneur for the past 8 years now. However, I did work in corporate but as soon as the entrepreneurship bug bit me I left and started my own business,” Wyzman reveals.
He explains his services: “On sales what we basically do is sell products and services on behalf of our clients. Then run the company’s promotions on a retail space, for instance, if you run a buy one get one campaign we can do that for you. Or if you want to get consumers to test your products. We also partnered with a couple of companies such as directories. Then on training, we do most sales training with the main focus on helping entrepreneurs know how to sell,” he says.
Wyzman says identifying the right growth opportunities requires that entrepreneurs have a full understanding of how their business is currently performing. “Entrepreneurs should know how to evaluate in order to identify current weaknesses and come up with ways to improve,” he concludes.
You can reach Wyzman on the following contact details: Call – 087 510 0174
WhatsApp – 0789125174, Facebook – Pronto sales, Twitter – Pronto.Sales (@ProntoSales1)
Instagram – Pronto sales, Mail – info@prontosales.co.za
Website – www.prontosales.co.za
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