Clayville To Get Fibre Optic As Vumatel Begins A RolloutClayville and Hospitalview residents will be getting fibre to the home as Vumatel has started a rollout in the area. According to one of the main contractors appointed to work on the project, Papi Mongala, the rollout began two weeks ago.“We are busy building a site for Vumatel. The project is a fibre rollout for people in Clayville and Hospital View. Currently, we are still waiting for Vumatel to finalize negotiations with community leaders about the rolling out,” Mongala tells The Olifants News. According to Mongala, his company Koketso M Projects has started installing a feeder that will allow people to connect. ”We are going to give the community an opportunity to work with us and show them how to blind post,” Mongala says.
“We are anticipating the project to run for two months,” he adds. Mongala says 7 local subcontractors were appointed to provide assistance with installing the fibre. Various meetings were held, and subcontractors were invited to submit their applications. “We gave them a mandate to appoint local people,” he said. According to the community leader, Tshidi Mokwele, a variety of fibre packages will be available on a prepaid basis, with residents not being tied into a contract. “Residents will have a choice to choose a package that suits their pocket. They will also get an uncapped internet connection, a free in-home fibre installation and a Wi-Fi enabled device,” Mokwele says. She says the negotiations between Vumatel and community leaders have reached the final stages, and the appointed subcontractors are expected to begin working to speed up the installations. “We are not certain about the date when the rollout will be completed, but I can only speculate that it might go live by January 2021,” she says.